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Monday, September 10, 2012

Another productive day

The heavy rain on Saturday was a bitter sweet event. Once again the fencing was partially destroyed, but thanks again to the dedicated volunteers' efforts, repairs were done in time for the day's transfer.
The day's total fish lifted was 200 for a grand total of 2201!
Several Coho Salmon and a few Brown Trout were also lifted today.
Will this be the final week? There doesn't seem to be as much activity downstream as previously.
As expected, the high water and cooler evenings have energized the salmon enabling them to move upstream to the prized spawning waters. This added energy was confirmed by the volunteers who handled these giants of finned fury. Many of us endured a few tail slaps in the face, and other body parts as we transferred these behemoths from net to bag to release! All in good fun and a great cause!
Many thanks to Lucky Strike Tackle for the donation of the nets. Over time these nets get ripped to shreds by the teeth of these fish and Lucky Strike has come through again with replacement meshes.

No pics today of the actual transfer, but I managed to get a few shots of the guys doing the fencing repair work with my phone camera. The first image is of a Chinook tooth found at the top of the dam.
Great job and much appreciated fellas!!

Chinook Salmon Tooth

Salmon anxiously waiting as repairs are done

Ready to roll!

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